
​R​ETIREES WANTED -- Trustworthy Senior's Advocate / Fully Licensed Medicare Advisor

Have you personally experienced the transition into Social Security and Medicare?  Has the experience been wildly different from your expectations?  You are not alone, and over 10,000 of your fellow Americans will be experiencing that same confusion and disillusionment every single day until the last Boomer turns 65 in 2029.

We all expected our transition into Senior Citizenhood to be relatively smooth and simple.  Everything we've always seen has implied that Seniors 65+ are a preferred class of citizens, entitled to a special level of treatment, protected from fraud and abuse, and worthy of simplified, easy processes to ease us into our golden years.

Is that what you've experienced?

For most of us, the answer is a resounding "NO".

Enrolling in Medicare, which most of us expected to be a mere formality of checking a box on a form and signing our name, is in fact one of the most daunting, confusing, preposterously complicated processes of our adult lives.  How in the world has this become so crazy?  How can we be expected to avoid the numerous, hidden, highly dangerous (even potentially fatal) landmines lying in wait for us as we wade through the process?

Decisions made in the first few months of eligibility -- usually with very limited information supplied by clerks or unknowledgeable friends, or, worse, by incentivized salespeople with limited menus of products -- will affect our medical care and our costs for the rest of our lives.  The worst decisions, coupled with even moderately severe future health issues, can cost us, literally, our fortunes.  Along with many years of good quality life, and ultimately life itself.

SENIORS NEED THOUGHTFUL, UNBIASED ADVICE AS THEY CROSS THE THRESHOLD OF 65.  There are precious few unbiased advisors that they can find, and even fewer that they can get an unhurried, impartial conversation with.  In a market expanding by over 10,000 souls every day, market and regulatory forces are actively working to REDUCE, rather than expand,  the number of available competent professionals.

The hurdles that must be overcome to be able to be a truly impartial TRUSTED ADVISOR to seniors are numerous, for those desiring to earn a living transferring their knowledge to clients.  Where most people in the health insurance business see these hurdles as obstacles to be avoided, we see them clearly as barriers-to-entry into the market for lesser persons, and fundamental guarantees of future profitability for those willing (and able) to suffer the trials of passage.  These include numerous interactions with regulators, extraordinary continuing education and compliance requirements, and the ability to delay the gratification of the biggest paychecks for several months.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY INDIVIDUALS who are not scared off by these barriers.  Those who are instead driven by the opportunity to profit handsomely, by truly helping fellow seniors to achieve the best of the results available to them, after having paid into this opaque system for forty or more years.

You must be prepared to: 

--  sustain your retired lifestyle without income until you are licensed

--  invest the time and fees ​of licensure in your success over the next 2-4 months

--  learn (and test for proficiency) 3 or more major health insurers' programs in each of the classes of products, Medicare Avantage and Medigap Medicare Supplements.

​--  wait for your very largest paychecks until January (guaranteed by major insurers, with whom you will contract directly)



--  You must be retired, or very nearly so

--  You must be enrolled in Social Security and Medicare, or nearly so

--  You must have enough energy and stamina to sustain 60 long days during the Annual Enrollment Period, Oct. 15th to Dec. 7th each year

--  You must have a need or desire to re-enter significant earnings

--  You must have a background of proven success in B2C sales

--  You must have a college degree, or equivalent experience

--  You must have an understanding of financial and/or insurance markets

--  You must have excellent oral communicative skills

--  You must have current, mid-level user computer skills

Major plusses:

--  A long career as a straight-commission ​professional

--  Previously licensed in Life, Health, Securities or RIA

--  Demonstrable very high prior single year earnings ​

--  Personal or family experience with SS/Medicare problems

--  Personal or family experience with medical/insurance drama

--  From-the-heart passion to help Seniors of all backgrounds

Also valuable:

--  Volunteer experience with a State Heath Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP, SHIIP, SMP, HICAP, ELDERinfo, SHINE etc.)

If you strongly believe you can qualify, respond today with your resume, or a letter summarizing your experience, emailed to .  Or call the hiring manager directly for further information:  (866) 468-9086